Gender:M/ F
 DHO5054 500 MHz, 4 GSa/s at all channels, 12-bit, 4-CH
 DHO5104 1 GHz, 4 GSa/s at all channels, 12-bit, 4-CH
 MHO5054 500 MHz, 4 GSa/s, 12-bit, 4+16DI
 MHO5104 1 GHz, 4 GSa/s, 12-bit, 4+16DI
 MHO5056 500 MHz, 4 GSa/s, 12-bit, 6+16DI
 MHO5106 1 GHz, 4 GSa/s, 12-bit, 6+16DI
 DHO5058 500 MHz, 4 GSa/s, 12-bit, 8-CH
 DHO5108 1 GHz, 4 GSa/s, 12-bit, 8-CH
Logic Channel Probe
 PLA3204 4 sets of 4-Channel Logic Analyzer Probe for MHO Series
Protocol Decoding Options

 DHO5000-AUTOA CAN/CAN-FD/LIN Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 MHO5000-AUTOA CAN/CAN-FD/LIN Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 DHO5000-AEROA MIL-STD-1553 Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 MHO5000-AEROA MIL-STD-1553 Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 DHO5000-FLEXA FlexRay Serial Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 MHO5000-FLEXA FlexRay Serial Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 DHO5000-AUDIOA I2S Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
 MHO5000-AUDIOA I2S Bus Trigger and Analysis Option
600 MHz to 1 GHz Bandwidth Upgrade

 500 MHz-1 GHz Upgrade Option
Misc. Options

 MHO5000-AWG Built-in Dual-Channel 50 MHz Function Waveform Generator Option
 DHO5000-PWRA Power Analysis Option
 MHO5000-PWRA Power Analysis Option
 DHO5000-BND Function and Application Bundle Option,
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