Please let us know a little bit about yourself and join our email list.
We promise that we will only use your information for Scouting in Surrey and won't be passing it on to anybody else.
E-mail address: |
First Name: |
Surname: |
What water activities are you interested in?: |
Canoe/Kayaking Canal Sailing Rowing Scuba/Snorkelling Power Other!
If you ticked 'other' - please tell us what it is!: |
Do you have any Coaching Qualifications or Scout Water Activity Permits?
(please tick all that apply):
Canoe/Kayaking Canal Sailing Rowing Scuba/Snorkelling Power Other!
If you ticked 'other' - please tell us what you have!: |
Select which emails you would like to receive from us (tick all that apply)
Information about club events or trips: |
Information on water activity training courses: |
Information for coaches/instructors or permit holders
and opportunities to become one!: